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Road Royale

Auto Services

Los Angeles / CA / US

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Road Royale06/30/2023
Your guide to preparing your car for a long trip.

Planning a long road trip is always exhilarating, but nothing halts the joy like unexpected car troubles. Ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted journey is as easy as performing some car maintenance before your trip.

Firstly, ensure your car's oil change is up to date. If it's nearly time, get it done before you hit the road. Old oil can damage your engine, and nobody wants a mid-journey breakdown.

Next, check your tires. Are they properly inflated? Is the tread still good? Bald tires and incorrect pressure can be unsafe and also increase your gas mileage, raising your travel costs.

Don't forget about your brakes! If you hear any squealing or feel any vibration when braking, get them inspected. Above all, never compromise on safety.

Finally, let's talk about your lights! Both interior and exterior lights should be fully functional. It's not just about how well you can see, but also about ensuring that other drivers can see you clearly.

Performing these checks can save you from unexpected problems, making your trip enjoyable and stress-free. However, if all this seems daunting, we're here to help! At Road Royale, we offer thorough pre-trip car inspections to ensure you're hitting the road with utmost confidence. Allow us to handle the car maintenance so you can concentrate on making delightful memories during your journey. Get in touch with us today to schedule your pre-trip vehicle inspection.
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