Irvine Auto Repair
Auto Services
Irvine / CA / US
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Irvine Auto Repair has been serving Irvine, Tustin and Lake Forest since 2002. The owner Ronnie Santos has been in the automotive industry since 1998.
We are a family owned business and take pride in the fact that our customer service is one step above the rest. We will make sure that you feel like you are family.
Our facility can work on all your family’s vehicles. We have the knowledge to handle it all!
We can perform all necessary smog related repairs and certification, maintain your warranty and perform your factory scheduled maintenance.
- 8797 Irvine Center Drive Suite #F,
Irvine, CA 92618 US - (949) 450-0800
- hello@irvineautotechs.com
- EN
- https://irvineautotechs.com/
- https://www.facebook.com/IrvineAutoTechs/
Auto Repair & Service