Apex Towing & Recovery cover

Apex Towing & Recovery

Auto Services

Puyallup / WA / US

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Apex Towing & Recovery12/01/2023
Experiencing Vehicle Issues on the Road?
Picture this: You're cruising down 512 or I-5, and suddenly, your engine starts acting up. It's morning rush hour, and your vehicle is losing power fast. You m...

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Have you ever been stuck, locked out, or had your vehicle break down at a less-than-opportune moment? How did you feel when you were stuck by the side of the road? Did it make life more difficult when you thought your forklift may have suddenly gone DOA while hauling a palette of bricks to another section of the job site? Apex Towing & Recovery in Puyallup, WA, has your back. We always make sure our clients are well taken care of and treated fairly and with dignity, no matter whatever situation they find themselves in. Honesty and integrity are essential to us.


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