Xpress Auto Service
Auto Services
La Puente / CA / US
Automobile air conditioning has come a long way since its inception, evolving to provide not just comfort but also energy effici...

Your one stop shop for all your automotive needs. We can take care of any problem from complex electrical issues to intermittent and mechanical issues. We are AAA approved and also a certified Smog Repair facility. In all of this we are dedicated to giving you not only prompt service but the best quality service around. We only use the best quality parts but we also have technicians dedicated to applying those quality parts in the best way!
- 14834 Valley Blvd Ste A,
La Puente, CA 91746 US - (626) 820-0267
- xpressautosrvclp@rocketmail.com
- EN
- https://www.xpressautolp.com/
- https://www.facebook.com/xpressautosrvclp/?rf=315390645238634
Auto Repair & Service
Automobile Air Conditioning Equipment-Se
Automobile Electric Service
Brake Repair