Woodard Auto & Truck
Auto Services
Moses Lake / WA / US
As a family-run business, Woodard Auto & Truck in Moses Lake, WA, understands what makes a great auto repair shop — the people. Your trusted mechanics at Woodard Auto & Truck have the knowledge and equipment to solve the problem with your vehicle. We welcome all makes and models, including large motorhomes, semi-trucks, box trucks, and more with a full range of automotive repair and services available.
- 1832 W Broadway Avenue Suite A
Moses Lake, WA 98837 US - (509) 765-2886
- basintransmission@hotmail.com
- EN
- https://woodardautoandtruck.com/
- https://www.facebook.com/WoodardAutoandTruck/
Auto Repair & Service
Automobile Air Conditioning Equipment-Se
Automobile Diagnostic Service
Automobile Electric Service
Brake Repair
Windows-Repair, Replacement & Installati