Patek Prep - ACT, SAT Tutoring in La Jolla, CA
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The ACT is Changing.... Again!
It’s a turbulent time in the college testing landscape.
A few months ago I took an official ACT exam and learned that the test was evolving; little did I know just how true that was.
patekprep.comThe ACT is Changing…. Again! | PatekPrepA few months ago I took an official ACT exam and learned that the test was evolving; little did I know just how true that was.It’s a turbulent time in the college testing landscape.The SAT, the older brother of the family, made massive changes to its tests this year, shifting to a fully digital testing
It’s a turbulent time in the college testing landscape.
A few months ago I took an official ACT exam and learned that the test was evolving; little did I know just how true that was.