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Crossroad Garage

Auto Services

Ellensburg / WA / US

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Crossroad Garage12/12/2023
To ensure your vehicle runs smoothly without breaking the bank on major repairs, keeping up with its preventative maintenance schedule is crucial. The key to staying on top of this game is as simple as perusing your vehicle's owner's manual. No matter the brand or model, nestled within those manual pages lies a goldmine—a comprehensive maintenance schedule tailored to your ride.

Ditch the old myths like "Change your oil every 3,000 miles." Your car is unique, and its needs are intricately laid out in the manual. Who knows your vehicle better than the folks who built it? The manufacturer provides invaluable insights, advising on when to change your oil, filters, driving belts, timing belts, and more.

While pouring fluids into your car might be a DIY affair, leave the heavy lifting to the pros. Our skilled team at Crossroad Garage LLC excels at maintaining your vehicle's top-notch condition with a range of services:

1. Timing Belts: We inspect and replace them, saving your other accessories from potential harm.
2. Serpentine Belts: Another vital check to prevent accessory damage.
3. Oil Changes: A routine but crucial step in keeping your engine healthy.
4. Battery Care: From inspection and repair to replacement of connection components.
5. Air Filters: For both the cabin and the engine—ensuring a comfortable ride and optimal performance.
6. Spark Plugs: Essential for your engine's ignition system.
7. Tire Maintenance: Rotation, balancing, and wheel alignment—preserving tire life, preventing blowouts, and ensuring a smoother ride.

By adhering to your owner's manual and scheduling regular check-ups, you're not just preventing problems but also saving a fortune in the long haul. Let the seasoned experts at Crossroad Garage LLC be your vehicle's guardian angels, ensuring it stays in prime condition for years to come. Your wallet and your car will thank you!
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