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L&S Auto Glass

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L&S Auto Glass11/27/2023
Windows: Repair, Replacement, and Installation

Today, we're focusing on your frequently asked questions about windows—repair, replacement, and installation. Let’s clear some common queries!

Q1: Repair or Replace - How Do I Decide?

Answer: Consider age and condition. If they're old and frequently problematic, replacement might be better. Small issues like weather stripping are usually fixable.

Q2: What's the Best Window Material for My Climate?

Answer: In colder climates, insulated vinyl or wood is ideal. In warmer areas, aluminum or fiberglass can be more suitable due to their durability and low maintenance.

Q3: How Long Does Window Installation Take?

Answer: It depends on the type and number of windows. A standard window installation usually takes about 30 minutes to an hour per window.

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