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Road Royale

Auto Services

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Road Royale08/15/2023
Drive Smart, Save Big: Fuel-Efficiency Tips.

Experiencing the squeeze at the gas station? You're not the only one. With fuel prices soaring, it's high time we take charge of how we drive. Cut costs and shrink your carbon footprint using these tips for more fuel-efficient driving:

1. Smooth Operator: Gentle accelerations and steady speeds help maintain engine efficiency. Avoid jackrabbit starts and abrupt stops.

2. Activate cruise control during extended drives to keep a consistent speed. It prevents fuel-guzzling speed fluctuations.

3. Unburden Your Ride: Extra weight affects fuel economy. Clear out unnecessary items in your car, especially heavy ones. A lighter car = more miles per gallon.

4. Proper Tire Maintenance: Under-inflated tires increase fuel consumption. Inspect your tire pressure every month to make sure they're adequately inflated.

5. Tune-Up Time: Regular maintenance keeps your engine running smoothly and efficiently. Perform oil changes, swap out air filters, and verify the condition of spark plugs.

6. Aircon in Moderation: Running the A/C continuously can be a fuel-drainer. Use it judiciously, especially when driving at low speeds.

7. Map out your route: Opt for one continuous trip over multiple short ones starting from a cold engine to save up to twice the fuel for the same distance. Combine errands, avoid peak traffic times, and use navigation apps to reduce idle time.

8. Reduce idling time: Switch off your engine when waiting for over a minute. Extended idling wastes fuel and money.

9. Drive Less: It sounds simple, but it's effective. Carpool, cycle, or walk whenever possible. Every mile you don't drive is money saved.

Remember, every little bit helps. With these tips, not only will you be more fuel-efficient, but you'll also contribute to a cleaner environment.

Looking for more auto advice or services? Reach out to us at Road Royale Auto Service. Your ride's best friend.
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