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Road Royale

Auto Services

Los Angeles / CA / US

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Road Royale06/22/2023
Road Royale's Guide to Tire Wisdom.

We all know that the rubber meeting the road under our vehicles contributes significantly to our safety. But, can you confidently identify when it's time for a replacement? Can you inspect the condition of your rubber protectors?

Your car's 'footwear', more technically known as tires, have an essential part known as tread. This component is the one in contact with the surface. Ample tread provides a firm traction on the road, especially in slippery conditions. On the contrary, tires with shallow tread are prone to skidding or sliding. You can determine tread thickness effortlessly. Use a dedicated tool, or even a quarter! Place the coin into a groove on the tire with Washington's portrait upside down. If you see the top of the ex-president's hair, you need a fresh set of tires because the existing tread is below 4/32".

Additionally, remain vigilant regarding any abnormal wear patterns observed on your tires, such as areas lacking tread or uneven wearing. These signs could point to misalignment, inflation problems, or suspension troubles.

Maintaining your vehicle's 'footwear' isn't just about safety. It pertains to fuel conservation, extending the lifespan of your vehicle, and guaranteeing optimal performance. By mastering tread checks and being vigilant for wear, you're advancing your vehicle maintenance skills.

Is this too much? Road Royale car service is ready to assist! We offer tire health checks, replacements, and more. Our skilled team guarantees the safety and readiness of your vehicle for the upcoming journey. Contact us now and bid goodbye to your car concerns!
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