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Nowka's Automotive

Auto Services

Port Orchard / WA / US

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Nowka's Automotive12/07/2023
Taking a moment to think about tire wear might not be top of mind, but trust me, it's a big deal for your ride! Picture this: your tires are like the sneakers of your car, and if they're not in good s...

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Nowka's Automotive is an auto repair shop serving the Port Orchard and surrounding communities since 1990. We offer various automotive services like diagnostics, inspections, engine repairs, preventative maintenance, brake services, suspension services and standard oil changes. We strive on giving our customers friendly, professional and affordable care no matter the service. Stop in today, "relax and we'll fix it!"

Auto Repair & Service
Automobile Air Conditioning Equipment-Se
Automobile Diagnostic Service
Brake Repair

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