Johnny D's Auto
Auto Services
Henderson / NV / US
Today, we take you on a behind-the-scenes tour of the world of auto services, revealing the precision, expertise, and technology that go into ...
Servicing Southern Nevada’s automotive industry since 1999! Johnny D's Auto services all makes and models of vehicles.
The least expensive service you can invest in is the service you need. Proper diagnosis and a good inspection to identify the minor issues before they become major problems. We have pride in our ability to find the problem first. At Johnny D's Auto, we have the people and equipment to do the right job. Honesty and integrity are one of the reasons we have such a great reputation.
All vehicles, both foreign and domestic are serviced at Johnny D’s.
- 2065 Pabco Road,
Henderson, NV 89011 US - (702) 602-9419
- EN
Auto Repair & Service
Automobile Diagnostic Service
Automobile Electric Service
Automotive Tune Up Service
Brake Repair