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Gab's Auto Repair

Auto Services

Phoenix / AZ / US

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Gab's Auto Repair11/29/2023
The Future of Auto Repair & Service: Embracing Technology and Sustainability
Theme: Technology Updates and Sustainability Focus...

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Our modern auto shop is equipped with the latest diagnostic and repair technology, allowing our mechanics to care for all makes and models of foreign and domestic cars, trucks, SUVs and fleet vehicles. Whether your vehicle is due for factory car maintenance, such as an oil change, timing belt replacement or 30/60/90K services, or it needs more complex repair, like engine repair, car AC recharging, a brake job or transmission replacement, we've got you covered. Give our local auto repair shop a call or stop by to learn more about our services. We would be happy to offer you a quote for the cost of auto repair in Phoenix or the surrounding communities.

At Gab's Auto Repair, our entire crew understands that a trip to the auto repair shop isn't always planned. That's why we work hard to get our friends and neighbors from Phoenix, Peoria, Paradise Valley and the neighboring towns back on the road quickly following car trouble. Our nearby mechanics always use the highest quality parts and fluids and the most up-to-date service techniques to return vehicles to the road in a safe and reliable condition. From the headlights to the tailpipe, we fix auto problems correctly the first time. Give our bumper to bumper automotive service shop a call at (602) 780-3118 to request an estimate or to schedule professional auto maintenance in Phoenix for your daily driver or fleet vehicle. The team at Gab's Auto Repair looks forward to helping you keep your car or truck running great.

Auto Repair & Service
Automotive Tune Up Service
Brake Repair
Automobile Electric Service

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