Desert Oasis European Auto Service & Repair cover

Desert Oasis European Auto Service & Repair

Auto Services

Las Vegas / NV / US

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"Redefining Auto Care: Stories from the Garage Floor"
Welcome to the world of auto repair and service, where every vehicle has a story, and every repair job is a mission to rejuvenate. Here, we're shi...

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We are the premier dealer alternative for your European auto repair and service in Las Vegas. Our ASE certified technicians specialize in maintenance and repairs on BMW, MINI, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Porsche, Land Rover, Jaguar and Volkswagen vehicles.

Desert Oasis utilizes the latest in computer technology and brings the utmost in trust, quality and customized attention to your vehicle. Driving the finest machines ever manufactured, the level of prestige and status from owning these luxury vehicles is only matched by the level of detail and expertise found in our team of highly trained, certified and knowledgeable technicians. Our technicians strive to deliver perfection in all of our auto repairs and services, whether it is minor or major.

Auto Repair & Service

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