City Terrace Towing cover

City Terrace Towing

Auto Services

Los Angeles / CA / US

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City Terrace Towing12/13/2023
Hey there! Let me take you on a ride into the life of a towing crew – it's not just about hauling cars; it's an adventure filled with unique stories and the occasional roadside heroics.
The Midnight R...

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We are a family owned towing company started in 1971. we are located in East LA and proudly serving all of LA county.

With over 50 yrs in the business we continue to serve our community and provide a safe, efficient, and a quick response to any roadside incident. over the years as our company grew our customer base expanded. fast forward to today and we now provide towing and recovery services for the largest fleets in Los Angeles. there’s no job too big or too small for us to handle.


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