Cali Tint
Auto Services
San Diego / CA / US
Vehicle window tinting can enhance privacy and reduce glare, but it requires precision and patience. Here’s a DIY guide for those looking to tint their...
We started our tinting business by offering only a mobile service. Many auto shops started requesting our service, among them car dealerships, Auto Stereo Shops, Body Shops as well as friends, recommendations, family and the general public.
With our clientele growing rapidly, the need for an establishment for our tinting business arose. We needed to give the client a place so they could go directly to us without intermediaries to get accessible prices.
In Cali Tint you will find warmth, quality, speed, respect and satisfaction guaranteed.
- 9585 Black Mountain Rd B,
San Diego, CA 92126 US - (619) 581-3374
- EN
Window Tinting