B & B Auto Repair
Auto Services
Bremerton / WA / US
We are an Independent Automotive Service Center for the past 30 plus years. The Baxter brother's have been highly awarded in the community. We pride ourselves on transparency. And want your vehicle safe for you and your loved ones on the road. We work on Automotive, Diesel, Trucks, EV, Hybrids, FLEET, and RV. We have the capability to align vehicles up to 30,000lbs. We offer vehicle maintenance, service & repair. Feel free to call 360-377-0682, or come by our location anytime.
- 299 National Ave S
Bremerton, WA 98312 US - (360) 377-0682
- service@bnbautorepair.com
- EN
- https://www.bnbautorepair.com/
- https://www.facebook.com/bnbautorepair/
Auto Repair & Service
Automobile Air Conditioning Equipment-Se
Automobile Electric Service
Automotive Tune Up Service
Brake Repair
Automobile Diagnostic Service