Auto Repair Popov
Auto Services
San Diego / CA / US
DIY vs. Professional Auto Repair: A Comparative Analysis
Navigating the world of auto repair can often lead to a critical question: Should you attempt a DIY repair, or is it better to seek professiona...
Navigating the world of auto repair can often lead to a critical question: Should you attempt a DIY repair, or is it better to seek professiona...

Family Owned Business
Quality service from an expert mechanic
Auto Repair Popov has been open for more than a decade and has provided customers with quality services for reasonable prices.
- 5841 Mission Gorge Rd. Unit B,
San Diego, CA 92120 US - (619) 281-9500
- popov@cox.net
- EN
- https://autorepairpopov.com/
- https://www.facebook.com/autorepairpopov/
Auto Repair & Service