Auto Services
San Diego / CA / US
At our auto repair shop, we're committed to providing the highest quality service and vehicle maintenance at fair and affordable pri...
Foreign & Domestic Repair Service
Award winning, family owned and operated auto repair shop providing the highest quality auto repair service & vehicle maintenance at fair and affordable prices. Our ASE-certified shop services all makes and models, both foreign and domestic. We value customer service and are proud of our high repeat and referral business.
Why Choose Us
We make your repair and maintenance convenient
We're friendly, helpful, and professional
Our certified mechanics can handle a wide-range of services
We get the job done right — the first time!
Same day service for most repairs and maintenance
- 1263 State Street,
San Diego, CA 92101 US - (619) 239-8600
- astautoservice@gmail.com
- EN
- https://www.astreetautoservice.com/
Auto Repair & Service